Consensus Conferences Policy

From time to time, ISHLT may initiate or be invited to participate in Consensus Conferences. Such conferences consist of multidisciplinary experts, reflecting broad geographic representation, and are designed to review information related to a specific area of patient care and come to consensus on recommendations regarding the area and/or gaps in information that require further study.

ISHLT’s participation in Consensus Conferences is limited to conferences of not-for-profit organizations and governmental agencies with similar and/or complementary interests in advanced heart failure and transplantation, advanced lung failure and transplantation, mechanical circulatory support, and/or pulmonary vascular disease.

A Consensus Conference should begin with a presentation of the current scope of knowledge and practice regarding the topic, based upon a literature review, and should include group discussion of background information and recommendations.

A Consensus Document should result from most Consensus Conferences; however, a Consensus Conference is not a required precursor to the development of a Consensus Document.

The Board of Directors will make the decision to initiate or participate in a Consensus Conference based upon the recommendation of the Publications Oversight Committee (POC). The policies governing such Consensus Conferences will be specified by the POC, in conjunction with ISHLT staff leadership.

Full S&G Document Development Policies and Procedures