Early Career Professionals & Trainees

Junior faculty and trainee members are the future of ISHLT and of the profession, and the Society is committed to facilitating their full engagement in all the ISHLT offers.

 Early Career
Four early career members smile for the camera at ISHLT2023

"Early Career" is defined as anyone whose training was completed fewer than six years ago.

Members and nonmembers can self-identify as Early Career under the "Account" tab when updating their member profile.

A speaker at ISHLT2023 explains a poster presentation to another attendee

ISHLT has an official Trainee Membership category, open to all individuals in a formal training program (residents, fellows, medical students, nursing students, and graduate students).

 Early Career & Trainee Committee
Four junior faculty smile for the camera at an ISHLT event

The purpose of the ECTC is to coordinate the Society's efforts to engage with, provide effective mentorship of, and identify leadership opportunities for those who are in the early stages of their careers in advanced heart and lung disease.

What's New In Early Career

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